How To Become A Mia Belle Girls Ambassador

How To Become A Mia Belle Girls Ambassador

Want to jump-start your fashionista's modeling career? Mia Belle Girls is looking for awesome moms and kids who love our brand and want to join our awesome community of ambassadors.

As a #miabellesquad ambassador you will get several perks and benefits, including your very own personalized discount code so you can earn a commission, access to exclusive missions where you can earn gift cards, cash & even freebies! Plus, you get the bragging rights of being one of our exclusive ambassadors and that’s just to name a few Apply to join below!
How To Become A Mia Belle Girls Ambassador
Guidelines & Criteria for Submission
  • Public social media page
  • Willing to make missions using Mia Belle Girls products
  • Willing to feature your child(ren)'s faces in content
  • Content cannot feature harsh language (profanity), alcohol, drugs, non-Mia Belle Girls clothing

How To Become A Mia Belle Girls Ambassador

  • Personalized discount code
  • In-store gift cards
  • Between 7-10% of sales made
  • Freebie items (merchandise)
  • Giveaways
  • Incentivized sales prizes
  • Networking opportunities
  • Increased social media credibility
  • Exposer to Mia Belle Girls 18M+ viewer reach
Your little girl's influencer career journey is about to begin! Don't miss out -- become a Mia Belle Girls Ambassador today!

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