8 Halloween Yoga Poses To Stay In Spooky Good Shape
Need a way to stay in shape when there's lots of sweets in you and your tiny terror's near future? Mia Belle conjured up these 8 Halloween yoga poses to help you keep your ghoulish figures!

Skeleton Pose
Stand tall
Legs hip-width apart
Feet facing forward
Arms straight at sides
Take some deep breathes
Legs hip-width apart
Feet facing forward
Arms straight at sides
Take some deep breathes
Flying Witch Pose
Start in Skeleton PoseExtend right hand out in front of you like a broomstick
Bend the left knee and point toes to the moon
Grab left foot with left hand
Lean forward and let out a Witch's cackle
Haunted House
Start in Skeleton PoseTake a big step back with left leg
Clap your hands or hold opposite elbows behind your back
Inhale and bend forward
This one's tough! let out some spooky groans!
Tranquil Ghost
Start in Skeleton PoseGently bring yourself to a seat on the floor, legs crossed or feet together
Lean back and forth and side to side
Breath deeply and let out a friendly ghost sound
Mummy Pose
Start in Tranquil Ghost PoseSlide knees towards each other, bringing right leg over left
Bright right arm straight up toward the moon
Bend right elbow bringing right hand to your back
Bring left arm out the the side
Bend left elbow and place left hand on back
Touch fingers or clasp hands behind your back
Candy Bowl
Start in Tranquil ghost PoseTake both legs out in front with knees bent
Make both arms parallel to the floor
Slowly lean back lifting feet off of the floor
Hold this pose while spelling C-A-N-D-Y B-O-W-L
Resting Pumpkin
Start in Tranquil Ghost PoseReadjust to sit on your knees, leaning back on your heels
Slowly bring your forehead to the floor
Arms down, hands come to the feet
Take a few deep breathes and think of pumpkin spice lattes
Howling Werewolf
Lay flat on your tummyBend elbows, press hands into floor
Breathe in, lift torso, head to the moon
Take a deep breath and let out a long howl
Feel free to print out the guide below and follow along at home any time you feel a sugar rush slowly creeping your way. Stay spooky fit and healthy with your Mia Belle Girl.

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